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Personal Historian Services

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Digital conversion, video streaming, and much more!

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Get help getting your photos organized

I'm Karla Stahl

Certified Photo Manager

Senior Ambassador at FOREVER.com

About Me

I’m Karla Stahl, aka The Memory Maven, a division of KS Photo and Media Solutions. I have been keeping personal scrapbooks for most of my life, since the 1970s when our only choices were grey or black "construction paper" pages in non-acid-free albums. I began making photo albums of family trips and my children’s lives in the 1980s. I also inherited thousands of photos of ancestors and relatives from my own family as well as my husband's. So many memories and so much history at risk of damage or loss. How could I continue to preserve the information and keep it safe, while allowing the family to enjoy it at will?

I discovered FOREVER in 2014 and made it the permanent digital home for my family's photos and documents. In 2015, I turned my passion into a business. As a Certified Photo Manager with The Photo Managers credentialing organization and FOREVER Senior Ambassador, I love sharing my passion with others by helping them preserve their own memories and family history.

Karla Stahl's family
FOREVER business coaching and mentorship

Start your own business!

Want to start your own photo coaching business?

I will guide you and help you get started.